Tarqatish punktigacha yetkazib berish bepul!

    Karres jodugarlari

    Рейтинг0 Reyting | Sotuvda mavjud emas

    Karres jodugarlari
    Karres jodugarlari, купить недорого
    Mahsulotni quyidagi summaga sotib oling

    235,000 so'm

    Tovar ID: 76610

    Yetkazib berishYetkazib berish:
    Shahar bo'ylab yetkazib berish 15 000 so'mdan boshlab.

    Самовывоз из sello ! Sello ! orqali olib ketish!
    Siz bizning filiallarimizdan olib ketishingiz mumkin

    УзбекистанYetkazib berish mamlakati: O'zbekiston

    1. Mahsulotlarni qaytarish: 10 kun ichida mumkin

    2. Qadoqni ochish: Ha


    Nashr turiNew ed
    Muallifde James H. Schmitz
    NashriyotSimon & Schuster
    Sahifalar soni394.0
    Kitobdagi qog'oz turiОфсетная
    Nashr tiliInglizcha
    Muqova turiТвердый переплет


    Tavsif Karres jodugarlari

    Captain Pausert thought his luck had finally turned-but he did not yet realize it was a turn for the worse. On second thought, make that a turn for the disastrous! Pausert thought he had made good with his battered starship, successfully selling off odd-ball cargoes no one else could sell. And then he made the mistake of freeing three slave children from their masters (who were suspiciously eager to part with them). No good deed goes unpunished, and those harmless-looking young ladies were just trying to be helpful, but those three adorable little girls quickly made Pausert the mortal enemy of his fiancÉ;e, his home planet, the Empire, warlike Sirians, psychopathic Uldanians, the dread pirate chieftain Laes Yango-and even the Worm World, the darkest threat to mankind in all of space. And all because those harmless-looking little girls were in fact three of the notorious and universally feared Witches of Karres. A rollicking novel from the master of space adventure.

    Внимание! Внешний вид обложки товара может изменяться типографией без уведомления.


    Ushbu mahsulot haqida mijozlarning fikrlari

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    Chegirmalar va aksiyalardan xabardor bo'lish uchun obuna bo'ling!
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    To'lov tizimlari
    Ilovani yuklab oling